January 2021 Minutes

Denton Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting

Monday 11 January 2021

Commenced with a Closed Session to discuss confidential matters at 19:00hrs (7:00pm).

Regular Meeting resumed at 19:30 hrs (7:30pm).

Held by Video Conference.

All Parish Councillors were summoned to attend.

This meeting was recorded

COVID - 19

In accordance with the Denton Parish Council COVID 19 (Coronavirus) Business Continuity Temporary Parish Council Policy Document, all scheduled face-to-face public meetings are suspended until further notice or as directed by central government.

Accordingly, Council meetings will be conducted by alternative means. Currently, the Council have chosen to use the virtual Zoom application.

Full details can be found on the parish website or by contacting the Parish Clerk on: dentonparishclerk@gmail.com


A closed session of the meeting was held to discuss confidential personnel matters.

Discussion Item

1          Welcome Address – Council Chair

Cllr Crush welcomed all to the meeting and offered apologies for not being able to attend the meeting of the 14 December, which were accepted.

He also expressed his condolences to the family of Albert Bristow, a member of the village who had recently passed away due to the coronavirus infection.

The members of the Parish Council added their condolences and for this to be minuted.

2          Attendees:

Parish Council:

Cllr M. Crush (Chair)

Cllr S. Bellamy (Vice Chair)

Cllr S. Turtle (Member)

Cllr V.  Aldred (Member)

Mr J. McCloskey (Parish Clerk)

Ms J. Newman (Community Cleaner)


Mr S. Vickers

Mr C. Vickers

3          Parish Councillor Apologies.

Not required all in attendance

4          Minutes of Previous Meeting.

Resolution: Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held 14 December 2020 approved. Soft copy. Not hard signed due to present restrictions.

5          Parish Council Declarations Of Pecuniary Interest.

Cllr S. Turtle declared an interest in agenda item 11.b.

Resolution: Noted

6          Public Forum: Presentation/Discussion (15 Minute)

Mr Charlie Vickers – Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme .

Element is required by the scheme to be completed within 3 months or 12 weeks of commencement, with an average of one hour per week, subject to limitations from current restrictions

Options for Charlie Vickers to complete his volunteering element of the D of E Bronze Award were discussed and the following agreed:

1. Assistance to the Parish Council in compiling a survey of the village community in reference to renovation of the play area.

2. Photographic record of the village from a young residents perspective as a living history.

The COVID 19 risk associated with the survey was assessed in relation to:

a. Delivery of survey to properties in the village.

b. Collection and consolidation of survey returns.

With regards to delivery, all recommended precautions would be observed in regards to the wearing of a face mask, sanitising hand gel and possibly suitable gloves when visiting properties.

Collection of returned surveys should be by a “Ballot” type box located in the village telephone kiosk, and appropriate precautions in place to ensure returns quarantined and sanitised. Again use of face mask, hand gel and gloves recommended.

As a continuation, Charlie would consolidate all the survey returns and compile them into a spreadsheet for review and analysis by the Parish Council.


1. Parish Council - Ballot box to be sourced. Appropriate PPE to be provided.

2. Charlie to compile a draft survey from the view of a villager.

3. Charlie to compile a photo record of the village and community from his perspective for inclusion in the next Denton Digest newsletter and for the Parish website.

7          County and District Councillors. Issues for discussion

a. County. LCC Highways. Traffic calming and road weight limits.

Although invited to the meeting, representatives from the County and District Councils did not attend.

8          Lincolnshire Police Representative.

a. Speeding and traffic calming measures.

b. School parking.

Although invited to the meeting, representatives from the neighbourhood policing team did not attend.

Resolution: The Parish Council expressed disappointment that no representative from County Council, District Council or Lincolnshire Police attended.

The Council Chair would write to the representatives to express a desire that their attendance would be greatly appreciated at future meetings where possible, and if not, appropriate apologies sent.

NB: Post meeting, belated apologies were received from the County Councillor and the Lincs Police PCSO.

9          Parish Clerk: Update.

a. Community Cleaner Reports.

The reports were complete and up to date and highlighted:

Increasing amount of dog waste. (Village area)

Discarded vehicle body parts (Belvoir Rd).

Uncollected road kill. Reported to SKDC on two occasions.

The Parish Council expressed great concern over the increased amount of dog waste being discarded in the village and proposed to place appropriate signage at the main locations of Park Lane, Mill Lane, Church Street and adjacent to the village Hall. A total of 10 signs in all.

Cllr Turtle offered to take this matter in hand and to secure the signs by acquiring and mounting them on corex board.

The question of additional waste bins at specific locations was discussed and it was proposed that SKDC be contacted regarding installation of waste bins, and specifically at Brewers Grave on the Viking Way.

Ms Newman was asked about the process of collection to the orange community cleaner waste sacks and informed the council they were either left by the roadside waste bins on the A607 layby or taken to her home for collection there.

The Parish Council thought this unsatisfactory and that SKDC Street Scene be contacted regarding the collection procedure.

Overall the council felt that the lockdown had increased the numbers of people exercising and dog walking in the area, increasing the amount of litter and dog waste being discarded and the need to increase awareness and disposal facilities.


1. Cllr Turtle to arrange for dog waste signage and the Parish Council to install at agreed locations.

2. Clerk to contact SKDC Street Scene regarding installation of additional waste bins.

3. Clerk to contact SKDC Street Scene regarding collection procedure for roadkill.

4. Clerk to contact SKDC Street Scene regarding collection procedure for Community cleaner waste sacks.

b. Council diary 2021 – Proposed Parish Council Meetings.

Currently due to COVID 19 restrictions, all Parish Council meetings are held virtually using the Zoom platform, and as for physical meetings, are advertised and public attendance encouraged with a link to meetings provided on request.


1. It was agreed the schedule for the Parish Council meetings for the year would remain at bi-monthly, with Extraordinary General Meetings called as required.

2. The public would continue to be invited to attend the Parish Council Meetings and the Clerk would send a link on request with full instructions on how to access the meeting.

3. Clerk to draft schedule of meeting for the coming year and post to website and Parish noticeboard. Instructions for members of the public attendance to be included.

10        Parish Council: Update and Discussion.

a. Defibrilator.

Clerk advised that the purchase order had gone through for the defibrillator and installation.

Awaiting confirmation of dates for delivery and fitting the unit in the refurbished village BT telephone kiosk.

Cllr Bellamy updated the council on feedback from the community on the defibrillator and its proposed location. The feed back was all positive with the phone kiosk being agreed as the most suitable and prominent location as many were not aware there was a unit installed at the village hall.

There was only the comment that the book exchange previously located in the kiosk would not be able to return.

This would be investigated and should it not be possible, alternative arrangements made. (Item 10.f refers)

b. Speed Indicator Device (SID).

Cllr Aldred updated the council on the data available from the SID and that its operating times had been revised to 24/7. As a result of this speeding had been noted in the early hours and attributed to LGV vehicles transiting through the village.

Further information from the SID may be available subject to updating the applications for the system.. This will be investigated and use of the data be considered with regards to informing Lincolnshire Police of problems and requesting enforcement action.


1. Details taken of LGV traffic and reported to the relevant haulier companies.

2. It was proposed that all the available SID data be made available for the attention of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership via LCC Cllr Adams.

c. Gated Roadside Signs.

Contractors would be re-contacted regarding quotes for installation and identified locations.

Resolution; Ongoing.

d. Road Safety Campaign.

To be linked with the other issues identified and proposed actions regarding the SID date and the gated traffic signs.

Emerging from the A607 junction towards Grantham was considered to be particularly hazardous due to the blind corner approaching from the Melton Mowbray side and the installation of a mirror at this junction would alleviate this problem.

It was recognised that the Parish Council cannot request traffic surveys by Lincolnshire Police, however traffic calming measures would be of benefit to the community and that LCC Highways review the LGV weight limits for the roads into and out of the village (Casthorpe, Belvoir and Harston Roads)

It was agreed that items 10.b, 10.c and 10.d be considered holistically as they were connected and were individually part of the overall problem as is the parking issue in and around Church Street and the School.

Involvement by LCC Highways, Lincolnshire Police and the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership  would be required to address the issue highlighted, with the Parish Council increasing the data available from the SID in support.


Cllr Aldred to contact LCC Cllr Adams to arrange a form of meeting, possible a walkthrough of the village, between LCC Highways and LRSP to discuss the possible options and traffic calming measures.

e. Denton Reservoir and community involvement.

The volunteers from Denton continue to monitor the reservoir area and maintain involvement of all concerned through the “WhatsAp” group.

It was noted that a mattress had been discarded in and adjoining field and the farm to assist with moving to a location where SKDC could remove it.

The Parish Council remain in contact with the Canal and Rivers Trust and although some actions have not yet been taken by the trust (installation of bench seating, improved  warning signage etc), it is hoped that this will take place in the new year.

It was thought a map of the area placed in a suitable location with items of interest to look out for would be of great benefit, especially to the children.

Resolution: Clerk to contact the Canal and Rivers Trust to follow up on the outstanding actions of re-wilding, seating and new signage.

f.  Communication and flow of information in the community.

The revised Parish Council newsletter had been well received with much positive feedback from the community.


1. To continue on a quarterly basis with the next edition for the spring, limiting the print run to 150 copies.

2. To include  Parish Council village action plan and request for suggestions and comments.

With the impending changes to the phone kiosk, the future of the book exchange was discussed and how best to maintain this facility as it was recognised as being well used by the community.

Resolution: Subject to lifting of the present restrictions, the Parish Council would look into holding a monthly coffee morning in the village hall, combining the book exchange with a chance to meet the councillors informally.

Include a suggestions/comments section on the Parish Website with a drop box located in the phone kiosk for returns to the council for review.

Special conditions regarding handling would be required during the present restrictions, with suitable hand sanitiser facility made available.


1. Clerk to investigate sourcing a ballot box type for returns and draft an appropriate form for inclusion on the website.

2. Consider suitable safeguarding arrangements that would be required.

The new Parish website continues to be updated, with additional sections and items added as they arise.

Resolution: Clerk to include Parish Council village action plan, Conservation Area information and suggestions/comments sections.

g. Play area restoration.

The play area remains an area of concern as it is in poor condition and requires general improvement both in equipment and environment (gras cutting and planting).

It may also be considered a suitable location for a future Friendship bench project.

Resolution: As discussed at item 6, Parish Council to further engage with Charlie Vickers for research and assistance (Dof E Award volunteering).

h. Parish Council vacancies.

Three vacancies still remain on the Parish Council, however there had been some interest and it was hoped that this would result in one or more applications:

Resolution: Ongoing with invitations to join the council extended to those interested.

i. Dog waste and provision of additional bins (SKDC) and signage.As discussed at item 9.a.

j. Roadside and footway overgrown hedges.

Concerns had been raised with the Parish Council regarding overgrown hedges, especially bordering the footway on Main Street creating an obstruction and forcing pedestrians into the roadway to avoid the hedge.


1. Main Street - Clerk to write to the property owner requesting action be taken to cut back the offending hedge.

2. Include item in next newsletter regarding the need to keep hedges well trimmed so as not to cause obstructions to the village footways. 

11        RFO Financial Report          

Denton Parish Council - Accounts Reconciliation  - 1 December 2020 to 31 December 2020

            a. CYB Bank Account Reconciliation

Date                                               01-Dec-20

Opening Balance                        13,072.67

Income                                          0.00

Expenditure                                  2,443.40

Closing Balance                          10,629.27

Date                                               31-Dec-20                                               

b. Income                                                                  

Nil this period                                     0.00

Sub total b                                          0.00

c. Invoices Paid In Period  (Signed cheques or email authorised BACS)

Defibrilator                                    1,995.00 (Supply, Installation & Management)

Defibrilator                                       162.00 (Annual Support Costs)

Newsletter Printing                            80.00  

Village Hall Hire                                40.00 (January & March 2020)

Sub total c                                    2,277.00

d. Personnel Payments in Period (Staff Salaries, HMRC PAYE & Authorised Clerk & Council Expenses

Parish Clerk (Salary)                     81.80

Community Cleaner (Salary)         84.60

Sub total d                                    166.40

Total Income & Expenditure            2,443.40

Resolution: Accounts approved with all transactions properly authorised and recorded and balance agreeing with bank statement.

Other Budget and Finance Matters.

Review of St Andrews Church Parochial Church Council (PCC) request for a Churchyard maintenance grant.

This remains an area of concern and a grey area of legitimacy for the Parish Council. The overriding guidance is that a Parish Council should not be supporting the regular and ongoing maintenance costs for an Open Churchyard and that the 1894 Act regarding this has not been supeceded.

It is evident that other Parish Councils in the district do not make any form of grant or payment towards the maintenance of such and the guidance and advice is that it is the church authorities have sole responsibility for open churchyards.

A grant from the Parish Council may only be given for a one off project and for a specific purpose and may not be used otherwise.

The manner in which this grant has been paid for some period of time was questioned and whether the term of Custom and Practice was applicable in a case where the legality of the original action was open to censure.


1. No payment would be made at the present time and further investigation to take place as to whether this was a  proper and legal use of the Parish Precept.

2. Full check of the legal standing and any possible implication of  Custom and Practice taken into account.

3. The Parish Council would abide by the law in any further decision and an appropriate item included in the spring newsletter regarding the Parish Councils position. 

12        Planning Applications.

a.         Applications Received for Parish Council Representation.

Nil this period.

b.         Applications – SKDC Decision Notifications.

Nil this period.

13        New Business for Next Meeting.

a. Highways issues.

Footway repair and obstruction.

Driveway access and installation of dropped kerbs.

Highways sunken manhole covers.

Fix My Street reports not rectified.

Conservation Area requirement for granite kerbstones. 

b. Village Hall issues noted during weekly defibrillator check.

SKDC fence (No 1 Bungalow) fence in disrepair. – Contact SKDC. Photos of fence attached.

Discarded mop. To be removed/disposed

Discarded Village Hall chair. To be removed back into village hall.

15          Meeting Close and Next Meeting.

Cllr Crush thanked all present for a valuable and constructive meeting and closed the meeting at 21:30.

The next meeting will take place at 19:30 on Monday 15 March 2021 and will be held virtually using the Zoom platform.


Minutes Action:

Minutes accepted by the council and signed as a true and accurate record of the Parish Council Meeting of the 11 January 2021

Signed Off at: PCM 15 March 2021

Minute Reference: PCM 15/03/2021 Item 4.

Dated: 15 March 2021

Name: Cllr M Crush (Chair)

Signature: Due to COVID 19 restrictions, not hard signed



Parish Clerk

E-mail: dentonparishclerk@gmail.com

Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with extant COVID 19 restrictions.