January 2022 Minutes

Denton Parish Council

All Parish Councillors were summoned to attend a Parish Council Meeting on Monday 10 January 2022 at 19:30 (7:30pm)

Denton Village Hall

COVID - 19

In accordance with the Government road map for easing of COVID-19 restrictions, the Parish Council Meeting was held in accordance with those confirmed on the 19 July 2021.

While there were no restrictions on numbers attending, the Parish Council asked that those present continue to abide with the recommended safeguards and social distancing.

PCM 2022-01 - Minutes

Serial                           Item for Discussion/Resolution

1          Welcome Address – Council Chair.

Cllr Bellamy welcomed all present, wishing them a Happy New Year and opened the meeting.

2          Attendees.

Record of those in attendance.

Parish Council: Cllr S. Bellamy (Chair), Cllr S. Turtle, Cllr C. Taylor, Cllr R. Leadenham, Cllr P. Gibbins, Mr J McCloskey (Clerk).

Members of the Public.

One member of the public was present. (See Item 6.)

3          Parish Councillor Apologies.

Apologies received from Cllr V. Aldred (Vice Chair) and Ms J.Newman (Community Cleaner).

Resolution. Accepted

4          Minutes of Previous Meeting.

Resolution to Approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting No PCM 2021-13, held Monday 13 December 2021.

Resolution: Passed, minutes accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5          Parish Council Declarations Of Pecuniary Interest.

Non declared.

Resolution: Noted.

6        Public Forum.

N.B. The maximum time allowed for public speaking is 15 minutes.

Members of the public will not be allowed to speak during Council business.

Members of the public are requested not to disrupt proceedings and respect the ruling of the Chair.

The Chair may allow participation in discussion or comment during the meeting where appropriate.

a. Introduction of Candidate for Lincolnshire Council Council  Colsterworth Rural Division, Charlotte Vernon.

Ms Charlotte Vernon thanked the council for inviting her to the meeting. Ms Vernon is standing for the seat vacated by the sad death of Cllr Bob Adams in November 2021.

Ms Vernon praised the work done by the late Cllr Adams and if elected would hope to continue his good work in assisting Parish Councils in dealing with the local issues effecting them.

Ms Vernon stressed the importance of contact with the Parish Councils and would welcome being kept informed of any matters or issues.

Resolution: The Chair thanked Ms Vernon for her time and the insight into how she could assist in local matters if successful in the forthcoming by-election.

7        Parish Clerk.

a. Items for next Parish newsletter.

Items discussed for the next edition of the Denton Digest Parish Newsletter were:

i.    Queens Platinum Jubilee commemoration plans.

ii.   Ongoing issue of dog waste in and around the village.

iii.  Play area project update.

iv.  Defibrilator training programme.

v.   Reporting of faults to SKDC/LCC

vi.  Phone Kiosk tile project update.

vii. Village Hall status and proposals. (Details to be provided following VH Committee meeting to be held Monday17 January)

viii. Traffic and road safety update.

Resolution: Clerk to begin drafting newsletter for publication and distribution in February

b. Footway. Belvoir Road.

Clerk provided an update on the ongoing state of footways in the village, particularly Belvoir Rd and Harston Rd.

The increase of vegetation debris and waste had been reported to LCC Highways on the “Fix My Street” section of the LCC website.

Response from LCC Highways was that as that footway was not their responsibility, it should be referred to SKDC.

Clerk has reported the footways to SKDC via the “Big Clean” section of the SKDC website and is awaiting a response.

Resolution: Continue to monitor and report.

8       Parish Community Cleaner reports.

The Community Cleaner (Ms J Newman) reports were acknowledged and the issues noted. Main issues are:

i.   Take away food litter.

ii.  Dog waste.

iii. Fly tipping on approaches to the village and lay by.

It was noted by Cllrs Bellamy and Gibbins, that although they themselves had picked up some of the litter as they walked round the village, this was no way a reflection on the work of Ms Newman and all the councillors commended her for her work in keeping the village and surrounding area tidy.

9        Parish Council:General Update and Discussion.

a. SID and Road Safety Project.

Cllr Aldred although not available to give an update is continuing to engage with LCC Highways and the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to address the traffic issues in the village and its approach roads, including:

i.   HGV traffic transiting through the village from the A52 to the A607. What weight limits are applicable and on which roads.

ii.  School parking. Implementation of restrictions (Zig Zag yellow lines).

iii. SID Data review.

iv. Signage throughout the village.

v.  Implementation of proposed traffic calming measures.

b. Defibrilator training.

At present defibrillator training from CHT is only by video link.

The Parish Council will continue review and when practical sessions become available, will arrange for training sessions.

c. Tile Project.

Cllr Bellamy advised that the project is well under way. The children from Denton school have been given the freedom to design a tile each on any subject they may think suitable. It is anticipated that the project will be completed during February (Subject to appropriate weather conditions for laying)

Costs for the project are expected to be £140 with printing provided professionally by a local company. The Parish Council will lay the tiles and cover with either a varnish of protective clear cover to ensure the tiles remain in good condition.

Resolution: Funding for the project was agreed.

d. Viking Way.

Concerns have been raised over the use of the Viking Way between Brewers Grave and the Socketwell Plantation by Off Road vehicles, despite there being restrictions in place over this section. OS Maps and a LCC map show this section to be a Public Bridleway, however as the Viking way not only forms the boundary between parishes, it is also the county border between Leicestershire and Lincolnshire.

Notices by Leicestershire Police advise the public to report an incidences of motorised vehicles using the restricted sections, however the position of Lincolnshire Police is unknown at this time.

Resolution: Council and Clerk to follow up with Lincolnshire Police and review OS maps and LCC maps of the area to determine if any restrictions apply and how they may be enforced.

e. Denton Reservoir – Provision and emptying of waste bins.

It has been noted that the waste bin provided by the Canal and River Trust is being used but emptied on an irregular basis. When overflowing it is reduced by volunteers taking some of the excess the waste away.

It has also been noted that over the winter, an outlet to the reservoir in the wooded area has become blocked with waste and requires clearing.

Resolution Cllr Bellamy will contact Mr Rob Braithwaite at C&RT to discus additional waste bins, emptying schedule and remove of waste from the blocked outlet.

10        Village Hall.

a. The council were informed that a new Village Hall Committee had been formed and were due to hold a meeting on Monday 17 January 2022 to discuss the options and way forward to improve the facilities available and make best use of the hall itself including:

i.   Funding and improvement grants available.

ii.  Future use proposals. i.e. Village tea room and Lending Library/Book exchange.

iii. Fund raising events. i.e. Games nights and entertainment.

iv. Updating facilities and redecoration.

More information would be forthcoming as it becomes available following meetings by the committee.

b. Parish Council Comment:

The chair of the village hall committee was thanked for his input and ongoing efforts and the subject of the forthcoming Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations was raised.

It is the councils intention to arrange a special Jubilee lunch over the long weekend and use of the village hall may be required to stage the event.

As some of the existing furnishings held by the village hall were not deemed suitable for use by the public, the Parish Council would make provision to replace the present wooden trestle tables with new for use at the jubilee lunch.

While stored in the village hall, the tables would remain the property of the Parish Council but would be made available free of charge to the community for use as required. They would also be available for hire at a minimal charge by members of the community for private functions.

Proposal: to fund the purchase of 10 trestle tables which would be added to the Parish Council asset register at a cost not exceeding £500.

Resolution: All conditions accepted. Passed

11        Play area Project.

The transfer of the land from SKDC to the Parish Council is proceeding and the draft agreement expected shortly.

This will be subject to legal scrutiny before any decision or transfer is made.

Once transfer has been completed, the fund raising will be implemented and the plans drawn up for the various options. These will be presented to the village at an open day before any firm decision is made or contracts put in place.

Resolution: Await formal transfer agreement which will be scrutinised by Cllr Taylor before signing off.

12      Finance.

a. Accounts Reconciliation. Resolutions to approve accounts for period:

RFO Report FY 2021 – 2022 . AP09

Accounts Reconciliation for: FY 2021/22 Period: AP09- 1 to 31 Dec 2021



VM Opening Balance









 VM Closing Balance


Forecast End Of Year Committed, Uncommitted and Reserve Funds



Playground Project Reserve



Contingency Reserve



Actual/Forecast Expenditure





Period Transaction Record



MOB, Denton Village Hal, Village Hall Hire



Transfer RIB Jayne Mary Newman, DENTON PC



Transfer RIB James Mccloskey, Salary


Resolution: Accounts Passed. All transactions properly approved and authorised and balances correct.

b. Transfer of Bank account.

Ongoing. Awaiting further details and action from Nat West.


13        Planning Applications.

a. Review Applications Received for Parish Council Representation.

Non received at the time of Posting Agenda.

b. Review of Decision Notices Received.

Application No: S21/2011. Michael Barsham

Proposal: Replacement of all single-glazed windows with double & triple glazed units in engineered softwood frames. Enlargement of French doors. Conversion of one window to external door opening. Install additional skylight.

Location: Denton Lodge Main Street

Decision/Date: 24th December 2021- Permission Granted

Application No: S21/2251. Sir Richard Welby

Proposal: Re-instatment of doorway and insertion of window to Cottage.

Demolition of partitions and floor section, along with interior alterations

Location: Denton Manor Cottage Harston Road

Decision/Date: 5th January 2022 – Permission Granted.

Application No: S21/2252. Sir Richard Welby

Proposal: Listed building consent for the re-instatment of doorway and

insertion of window to Cottage. Demolition of partitions and floor section, along with interior alterations.

Location: Denton Manor, Cottage Harston Road

Decision/Date 5th January 2022 Listed Building Consent granted.

Resolution: All above noted. No representations were made in regards to these applications.

14        New Business for Next Meeting: Review outstanding business.

a. RFO Budget for FY 2022-23

15          Meeting Close and Next Meeting.

Cllr Bellamy thanked all present for their input and closed the meeting at 21:30

Next scheduled meeting will take place on Monday 14 March 2022 at 19:30 in Denton Village Hall and will include the Annual Parish Meeting element.



Parish Clerk

E-mail: dentonparishclerk@gmail.com

Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting subject to compliance with any COVID 19 requirements.

Minutes Action:

Minutes from the Parish Council meeting of the 10 January 2022 approved and minuted at the Parish Council meeting PCM 2022-02 of the 14 March  2022.

Signed:  S.Bellamy

Print. S.Bellamy – (Chair)

Date: 14 March 2022

Hard Copy File/Soft Copy Website.