Saltby Airfield Straw Storage Faciltiy Application.


Denton Parish Council were made aware of the aplication regarding the airfield at Saltby, and having been in touch with the neighbouring parishes, agreed that it would impact on the village and roads in the area.

In support Denton council odged their objections with Melton Borough Council as follows:

Denton Parish Council believe the entire route for in & out bound traffic has not got the infrastructure to cope with the increase of heavy goods vehicle operations to the scale proposed, only the Leicestershire stretch of Gorse Lane has had any major repair so that two vehicles can pass without hitting an open cast mine at the side of the road. With tight bends high hedges car drivers are blind to the danger of approaching HGV’s or being pushed into the verge to allow them both to pass each other.

With the Figure 6.1 Proposed Access Routes is coming down Stoney Track and  across the cross roads to turn right, with motorist rounding bend and meeting an HGV half way across the road. The speed was reduced on this section of the A607 to reduce the hazards hazard, plus the added problem of vehicles passing on Stoney Track which is used by parents of Denton school children.

There is a potential increase of traffic through Denton to the A52, as drivers will see it as shortest route from A to B.

The A607 is an accident black spot, Highways recognise this by implementing a speed restriction of 50mph.

Having lorries of this size turning onto the A607, in the quantities specified in their own report, is a risk too far that shouldn't be taken without further research.

The road integrity is not suitable and as this section of Gorse Lane/Stoney Track is in LCC have their highways been made aware of the additional heavy use?

As there is also an SSSI have the environmental issues been approached.

Denton Parish Council feel that if granted it would could cause potential traffic safety concerns plus road maintenance & conservation issues.

The matter has been raised with our own councils, and councillors representing LCC and SKDC.

LCC Highways have advised they have no objections, however this is still being pursued.


Planning Application Number: 21/01223/FUL
Highway Reference Number: 2021/1223/06/H/R2
Application Address: Saltby Airfield Skillington Road Sproxton
Application Type: Full
Description of Application:
Re-consultation. Change of use of former airfield land to use for the import, storage and export
(B8 use) of straw from commercial purposes (retrospective)